

单词 General Assembly
释义 聯合國大會
The main deliberative and policy making body of the United Nations Organisation: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 7. The General Assembly only has effective power over the United Nations’ internal operations. The General Assembly comprises all members of the Organisation: arts 9(2), 18(1). There is no system of weighted voting in the General Assembly and decisions of the General Assembly on important matters are made by a two-thirds majority of members present and voting: art 18(2). The General Assembly meets in regular annual sessions and in emergency sessions as may be required: art 20. Its power is discursive and recommendatory, except with respect to the budget of the Organisation: arts 10-12, 14, 17. See also Charter of the United Nations 1945; United Nations Security Council.
聯合國組織主要的審議及決策機構:《1945年聯合國憲章》第7條。聯合國大會僅對聯合國內部運作具有有效的權力。聯合國大會由所有聯合國成員國組成:《1945年聯合國憲章》第9(2)條及第18(1)條。聯合國大會不設加權投票體制,而聯合國大會對重要問題作出的決議由出席並投票的成員國以三分之二的多數票通過:《1945年聯合國憲章》第18(2)條。聯合國大會每年定期開會一次,並可以在有需要的情況下召開緊急會議:《1945年聯合國憲章》第20條。除就聯合國的預算問題外,聯合國大會的權力是分散的和諮詢性的:《1945年聯合國憲章》第10至12條、第14條及第17條。另見 Charter of the United Nations 1945; United Nations Security Council。




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