

单词 Manslaughter
释义 誤殺
An unlawful killing of a human being which is not murder. Manslaughter is an indictable offence punishable by life imprisonment and a fine: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 7. At common law, there are two forms of manslaughter: voluntary manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter. Manslaughter is an alternative verdict to a charge of murder: s 8A. In a trial for murder, where there is evidence upon which a jury could find the accused guilty of manslaughter, the trial judge is required to leave that verdict with the jury: R v Wong Kwok Wing [1967] HKLR 719 (FC); R v Lai Chi Hong (CACC 493/86, unreported) (CA). See also Alternative verdict; Child destruction; Homicide; Infanticide; Involuntary manslaughter; Murder; Voluntary manslaughter.
指非法殺害某人的罪行,但不屬謀殺。誤殺是可處終身監禁及罰繳罰款的可公訴罪行:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第7條。在普通法上,有兩種形式的誤殺:自願誤殺及非自願誤殺。誤殺是謀殺控罪的轉以他罪裁決:第8A條。在謀殺的審訊中,如有證據使陪審團裁斷被告犯有誤殺罪,主審法官須准許陪審團的裁決:R v Wong Kwok Wing [1967] HKLR 719(全體法院);R v Lai Chi Hong(刑事上訴1986年第493號,未經彙報)。另見 Alternative verdict; Child destruction; Homicide; Infanticide; Involuntary manslaughter; Murder; Voluntary manslaughter。n.




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