

单词 Premises
释义 處所
OF – foreplacing; setting before.
Deeds - In a deed of conveyance of land, the part of the deed that precedes the habendum: Throckmerton v Tracy [1558-1774] All ER Rep 168, (1555) 75 ER 222. The premises generally comprise the description of the instrument, the date, the names of the parties, the recitals and the consideration. Where the habendum is repugnant to the premises, the habendum will be rejected and the deed will ‘stand good upon the premises’: Goodtitle d Dodwell v Gibbs (1826) 5 B & C 709, 108 ER 264. See also Conveyance; Deed; Habendum; Testatum.
Liquor - The term ‘premises’ is applied to houses, land, shops, and means generally real property of one sort or another: Gardiner v Sevenoaks Rural District Council [1950] 2 All ER 84. The sale of liquor is prohibited except on the authority of a liquor licence or a temporary liquor licence at any premises for consumption on those premises, or at a place of public entertainment or a public occasion for consumption at the place or occasion: Dutiable Commodities (Liquor) Regulations (Cap 109B) reg 25A. No liquor shall be supplied at any premises used by any club for the purposes of the club to any member of the club except under and in accordance with a club liquor licence: reg 26. ‘Licensed premises’ means the premises specified in a liquor licence on which the sale of intoxicating liquor is permitted pursuant to the licence: reg 2. See also Licensed premises; Unlicensed premises.
Tort - At common law, it means any place or land exclusively used or occupied by any person or business for whatever purpose with its appurtenances and structures. In legislation, it includes land, buildings, structures and basements and, in relation to any building, it includes the curtilage thereof, and, in relation to the internal parts of a building, it includes any bedspace, cubicle, room, floor, or portion of a floor, the subject of a separate letting: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 2(1). Houses or land recited in deeds will constitute premises at common law: Mowling v Justices of Hawthorn (1891) 17 VLR 150. As for medical clinics, premises may include a vehicle: Medical Clinics Ordinance (Cap 343) s 2. See also Building; Land.
於 -前置﹔之前的安排。
契據 - 於土地轉讓的契據中﹐先於轉讓條款的契據部份: Throckmerton v Tracy [1558-1774] All ER Rep 168, (1555) 75 ER 222。樓宇通常包括描述文件﹐日期﹐當事人的名稱﹐敘文和代價。凡轉讓條款與樓宇有所抵觸 ﹐轉讓條款會被否決﹐ 而契據會「於樓宇上仍然妥善」 : Goodtitle d Dodwell v Gibbs (1826) 5 B & C 709, 108 ER 264。另見 Conveyance; Deed; Habendum; Testatum。
烈酒 - 「樓宇」一詞對房屋﹐土地﹐商店適用。一般指其中一種或其他種類的土地財產: Gardiner v Sevenoaks Rural District Council [1950] 2 All ER 84。禁止售賣烈酒﹐徐非獲得酒牌或短期酒牌授權在限定範圍的樓宇,或在公共娛樂場所,或在限定的公開場所或場合所舉行的公開活動中享用:應課稅品(酒類)規例(第109B章)第25A規例。徐非符合俱樂部的酒牌﹐否則俱樂部不得在任何為俱樂部而使用的樓宇內向其會員供應烈酒:第26規例。‘持牌處所’指按照酒牌上所指明容許售賣令人醺醉酒類的樓宇:第2規例。Licensed premises; Unlicensed premises。
侵權行為 - 在普通法﹐指由任何人或業務以任何目的獨有運用或佔有任何地方或土地的從屬權和結構。 在法例上﹐則包括土地﹐大廈﹐結構和建築群﹐與任何大廈有關的範圍﹐與大廈內部有關的床位,臥室﹐房間﹐地下或地下的一部分﹐分租項目的事項;《公眾衛生及市政條例》 (第132章) 第2(1)條。在契據詳述的房產或土地會於普通法成為樓宇﹕Mowling v Justices of Hawthorn (1891) 17 VLR 150。至於醫療診所的樓宇,則可包括車輛﹕《診療所條例》(第343章)第2條。另見 Building; Land。n.




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