

单词 Relevant considerations
释义 有關的代價
Considerations that a decision maker ought or may take into account when exercising discretionary power. What is or is not a relevant consideration in any case will depend on the statutory context, for example, the cost of exercising a discretion will often be relevant: Dowty Boulton Paul Ltd v Wolverhampton Corp (No 2) [1976] Ch 13, [1973] 2 All ER 491 (CA). Fairness to persons affected by administrative action or personal hardship which may be caused thereby will also often be relevant considerations to be taken into account: Westminster City Council v Great Portland Estates plc [1985] AC 661, [1984] 3 All ER 744 (HL). The exercise of such a power will be quashed where, on a proper construction of the relevant statute, the decision maker has failed to take into account of relevant considerations or has taken into account irrelevant considerations: Leung Kam Yung Ivy v Commissioner for Television & Entertainment Licensing [2001] 2 HKC 555. In some statutes, some or all of the relevant considerations may be express (for example, Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 28); where the statute is silent or the express considerations are not exhaustive, the courts will determine whether any particular consideration is relevant or irrelevant to the exercise of the discretion by reference to the implied objects of the statute (R v Shiu Cho-kee [1986] HKLR 207). See also Irrelevant considerations.
當決策者行使酌情權時應該或可考慮的代價。在任何情況何謂有關的代價會視乎法例上的文意,例如行使酌情權時所須的成本通常有關:Dowty Boulton Paul Ltd v Wolverhampton Corp(No 2) [1976] Ch 13, [1973] 2 All ER 491(刑事上訴法院)。由行政行為對人的公平做成的影響或因而引起的個人困境通常是會被考慮的有關代價:Westminster City Council v Great Portland Estates plc [1985] AC 661, [1984] 3 All ER 744(上議院)。如以有關法例的正當解釋,決策者未能考慮有關的代價或考慮無關代價,行使此類權力會被撤銷: Leung Kam Yung Ivy v Commissioner for Television & Entertainment Licensing [2001] 2 HKC 555。在若干法例,若干或所有代價可以是明示(例如《道路交通條例》(第374章)第28條);如法例沒有表明或明示的代價並非並無遺漏,法院會參考法例的暗示宗旨以決定在行使酌情權時,任何個別的代價是否有關或無關(R v Shiu Cho-kee [1986] HKLR 207)。另見 Irrelevant considerations。




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