

单词 Remainder
释义 剩餘
That which is left over or unaccounted for; it may refer to property or to time.
Real property - A future interest which arises in favour of a person other than the settlor after the natural determination of a prior interest of limited duration. The interest remains away from the settlor rather than reverting back to him. For instance, if after the grant of a life interest the settlor directs that the interest should pass to a third person, a remainder is created. In Hong Kong, the prior estate or interest before the remainder is usually a life estate. The life interest, together with the remainder and any reversion to the settlor, comprises the whole original estate of the settlor. Contrary to a reversion, a remainder does not arise by operation of law but by express grant. In addition, while a reversion is always vested, a remainder may be vested or contingent. All remainders in Hong Kong are equitable: Nield Hong Kong Land Law (2nd Ed, Longman) ch 8 p 186. See also Contingent remainder; Future estate; Reversion; Vested interest.
Succession - What is left after other property has been disposed of. In considering when representation with respect to the estate of a deceased person was first taken out, a grant limited to part only of the estate shall be left out of account unless a grant limited to the remainder of the estate has previously been made or is made at the same time: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 23A(4).

土地財產 -   在之前有限期的權益自然終止後,產生對非財產授予人有利的未來權益。有關的權益仍然不屬於財產授予人,即並非復歸予財產授予人。例如倘若在授予終身權益後,有關的財產授予人作出有關權益應轉移給第三者的指示,即產生剩餘權益。在香港,之前的產業或權益在剩餘權益之前通常是終身產業。終身權益與剩餘權益和任何對財產授予人的復歸權益組成財產授予人的全部原來產業。與復歸權益相反,剩餘權益由法律施行而非明示授予產生。此外,剩餘權益總是由賦予獲取,剩餘權益則可以是賦予的或或有的。在香港,所有剩餘權益均是衡平法上的權益:Nield, Hong Kong Land Law (第2版) 第8章,第186頁。另見 Contingent remainder; Future estate; Reversion; Vested interest。
繼任 - 在處置其他財產後餘下的財產。凡考慮最初取得死者遺產承辦權是何時間,不得理會就只限於部份遺產的承辦權而作出的授予,除非就限於該遺產其餘部份的承辦權已授予或在當時同時授予,則屬例外:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第23A(4)條。n.





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