

单词 Alienation
释义 讓與
The transfer of value from one person to another: Re Gaskell & Walters’ Contract [1906] 2 Ch 1 (CA). Although ‘alienation’ is wide enough to cover all transfers of property, it is usually understood to apply only to transfers of property effected by action of the transferor, and not those occurring automatically due to the operation of law: Re Biedermann Best v Wertheim [1922] 1 Ch 31; 2 Ch 771 (CA). Alienation includes, for example, transfers by way of assignment, sale and gift. An alienation of property with intent to defraud creditors, shall be voidable at the option of the creditors or a subsequent purchaser: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 60. For void alienation of Housing Authority’s estate: Housing Ordinance (Cap 283) s 17B. See also Assignment; Gift; Nemo dat quod non habet; Property; Sale.
價值從一人讓移到另一人:Re Gaskell & Walters’ Contract [1906] 2 Ch 1。廣泛而言,「讓與」一詞包括所有財產轉讓,一般指藉轉讓人的行動而達致的財產轉讓,不包括藉法律的施行而立即生效的財產轉讓:Re Biedermann Best v Wertheim [1922] 1 Ch 31; 2 Ch 771(英國上訴法院)。讓與的例子包括:藉轉讓契、賣買及饋贈而達致的財產轉讓。每宗因意圖詐騙債權人而作出的財產產權處置,在債權人或事後購買者選擇時,即可使無效:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第60條。房屋委員會之屋邨的無效讓與:《房屋條例》(第283章)第17B條。另見 Assignment; Gift; Nemo dat quod non habet; Property; Restraint upon anticipation; Sale。n.




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