

单词 Certificate of shares
释义 股票
A document issued by a company specifying the number of shares held by a member, the nominal value of the share and the extent to which they are paid-up. It is prima facie evidence of the title of a member to the number of shares specified: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 71. Certificate of shares is not required to be under the seal or securities seal of the company. Even if issued under the seal or securities seal they are not deeds, and are not in themselves contracts: R v Morton (1873) LR 2 CCR 222. The fact that certificates of shares are sealed and refer to the memorandum and articles does not give a shareholder the rights of a specialty creditor in respect of dividends or a claim for return of capital: Re Compania de Electricidad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Ltd [1980] Ch 146, [1978] 3 All ER 668. Also known as ‘share certificate’.
由公司發出的文件,指明某成員所持有的任何股份、股票的面值及多少股款已繳足。即某成員對某特定數量的股份的所有權的表面證據:《公司條例》(第32章)第71條。股票不須蓋上公司的印章或證券印章。即使股票蓋上印章或證券印章,亦不屬契據,及其本身不屬合約:R v Morton (1873) LR 2 CCR 222。股票已蓋上印章及在組織章程大綱及章程細則中提述,就股息或資本退還的申索而言,亦不會為股東提供具蓋印文據性質債項的債權人的權利:Re Compania de Electricidad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Ltd [1980] Ch 146, [1978] 3 All ER 668。另稱‘share certificate’。




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