

单词 Exhibit
释义 證物
1. An object received in evidence when tendered by one of the parties to a case. It is an offence to make a false exhibit with the intention of affecting a witness’s testimony. Two types of non-testimonial evidence can become exhibits: documentary evidence and real evidence. Both these types of evidence will normally have to be supplemented by oral testimony in order to satisfy the court as to how they have been obtained and what their relevance is to the case. Exhibits are retained by the court to enable the judge to reach his or her decision and are then usually returned to the parties. 2. An article intended for display within a museum whether or not the article is displayed to the public at any particular time: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 2(1). 3. The screening of a film in Hong Kong at any place of public entertainment, at any public place, or at any place to which a person has access by reason of the fact of being a member of a club, society, company, partnership or association of persons, incorporated or unincorporated: Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392) s2. See also Adducing evidence; Circumstantial evidence; Evidence; Real evidence.
1. 某宗案件任何一方提供作為證據的物件。如在蓄意影響證人證供的情況下作出虛假的證物,即屬犯罪。兩類非證供的證據可成為證物:文件證據物和證物。如欲使法庭信納獲得上述兩類口供的方法及與案件的有關程度,則通常會以口供作為補充。法庭會補留有關的證物以便讓法官作出其決定,隨後通常會物歸原主。  展品 2.擬供在博物館內展示的物品,不論該物品在任何特定時間是否向公眾展示:《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章) 第2(1)條。  上映 3. 在香港以下地方放映該影片─公眾娛樂場所;公眾地方;或可憑任何會所、社團、公司、合夥或團體的成員身分進入的地方,不論該會所、社團、公司、合夥或團體是否屬法團組織:《電影檢查條例》(第392章)第2條。另見 Adducing evidence; Circumstantial evidence; Evidence; Real evidence。n.




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