

单词 Fishery zone
释义 捕魚區
A sea area adjacent to land, over which a coastal state of such land has the exclusive right to fishing over the zone of 2000 miles: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 57. China is a party to such convention but Hong Kong is not. The application of it in Hong Kong must be decided by the Chinese Central Government as regards the circumstances and after seeking the views of Hong Kong: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 13, Foreign Relations [190.033]. See also Exclusive fisheries zone; Territorial sea.
與土地毗鄰的海域,此海域的沿岸國家享有在兩千哩的範圍內捕魚的獨有權利:《1982年聯合國海洋公約》第57條。中國屬此公約的締約方,但香港卻非締約方。要在香港引用此等公約必須由中國中央政府決定,並須考慮有關的情況,以及在尋求香港的觀點之後才作決定:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第13冊,對外關係,第 [190.033]段。另見 Exclusive fisheries zone; Territorial sea。




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