

单词 International legal person
释义 國際法人
An entity entitled to rights sand subject to obligations under the international legal system. Due to its political paramountcy, a state is regarded as an objective international person. The proliferation of non-state entities with active participation in contemporary international relations has led internal law to attribute a limited degree of international personality to them. Such non-state actors may be classified as irregular or imperfect person in international law. See also International law; Personality.
就國際法下擁有權利及受義務限制的實體。因為政治上的至高無上,國家被視為客觀上的國際法人。有見非國家法人的激增,並活躍於當今的國際關係中,國內法因而把有限的國際人格歸屬於這些非國家法人身上。非國家法人可被歸類為國際法中的不正常或不完全法人。另見 International law; Personality。




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