

单词 Drainage
释义 排水/排水工程
The removal of liquid by degrees.
Building and construction - The drawing away of water from land under or around a building, underground water or roof rainwater. ‘Drainage work’ means any work connected with the construction, repair, alteration, disconnection, trapping and ventilation of drains or sewers: Building Ordinance (Cap 123) s 2.
Water - ‘Drainage work’ includes the cleansing, scouring, dredging or desilting of a main watercourse; the removal of any natural or artificial obstruction in a main watercourse; the repair, strengthening, alteration or removal of any embankment for the purpose of defence against water; and works for the prevention or abatement of injury or damage which might be caused by the carrying out of any of the operations already referred to: Land Drainage Ordinance (Cap 446) s 2. Where water that would naturally drain onto lower land is collected into one body by the owner of the upper land for that owners use, the owner of lower land is bound, without the positive constitution of servitude, to receive that body of water on to the lower land: Gibbons v Lanfestey (1915) 84 LJPC 158.
建築與建造 -   指將建築物下面或附近的土地的水份、地下水或天台雨水移走。「排水工程」指與排水渠或污水渠的建造、修葺、改動、截斷、隔氣和通風相關的任何工程:《建築物條例》(第123章)第2條。
水務 -   「排水工程」包括清洗、滌刷或疏浚任何主要水道,或將任何主要水道除淤;清除任何主要水道的天然或人為障礙物;修理、加固、更改或清除任何堤壩,以防水患;及為防止或減少因進行以上所述的工程而可能會引致的傷害或損害而進行的任何工程:《土地排水條例》(第446章)第2條。凡會自然地排水至處於較低位置土地的水會由處於較高位置的擁有人收集自用,則處於較低位置土地的擁有人在沒有積極構成地役權的情況下,須收取該等至處於較低位置的土地的排水:Gibbons v Lanfestey (1915) 84 LJPC 158。n.




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