

单词 Union of concubinage
释义 夫妾關係
A union entered into by a male partner and a female partner before 7 October 1971, under which union the female partner has, during the lifetime of the male partner, been accepted by his wife as his concubine and recognised as such by his family generally: Intestates’ Estates Ordinance (Cap 73) s 13(2). Any person who is a child of a union of concubinage shall be a legitimate child of the marriage or union and shall be deemed always to have been so legitimate, for all purposes. A tsip or male partner of the deceased by a union of concubinage, and a child of the deceased (include a child of a union of concubinage) may apply to the court for an order on the ground that the disposition of the deceased’s estate effected by the deceased’s will or the law relating to intestacy, or the combination of the deceased’s will and that law, is not such as to make reasonable financial provision for the applicant: Inheritance (Provision For Family And Dependants) Ordinance (Cap 481) ss 3(1), 4.
男方與女方在1971年10月7日前締結的夫妾關係,而在該關係下,女方於男方在生時已被男方的妻子接納為其夫之妾,而男方家人亦普遍承認如此:《無遺囑者遺產條例》(第73章)第13(2)條。任何屬於夫妾關係子女的人即屬有關婚姻的合法子女,及在任何目的之下,會被視為一直是合法的子女。死者在夫妾關係中的妾侍或男方,及死者的幼年子女 (包括夫妾關係的子女)可持下述理由向法院申請命令︰依照死者遺囑或關於無遺囑繼承的法律,或綜合死者遺囑及該等法律而作出的遺產處置,並沒有為申請人提供合理經濟給養:《財產繼承(供養遺屬及受養人)條例》(第481章)第3(1)及4條。




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