

单词 Manifestly inadequate sentence
释义 明顯不足的刑罰
A sentence passed by a court which is unduly lenient, or out of the range of sentences which the judge, applying his mind to all the relevant facts, could reasonably consider appropriate: S-J v Shum Kwok-sher (CAAR 01/2001, unreported). The prosecution may apply for the review of any sentence on the ground that the sentence is manifestly inadequate: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 81A(1). See also Manifestly excessive sentence.
指由法庭所判處的刑罰不合理地過輕,以致於該刑罰超出法官在考慮所有有關事實後所合理判處適當刑罰的範圍:A-G’s Reference No 4 of 1989, 90 Cr App R 366 (英國上訴法院);S-J v Shum Kwok-sher(覆核申請2001年第01號,未經彙報)。控方可基於刑罰明顯不足的理由而申請覆核:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第81A(1)。另見 Manifestly excessive sentence。




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