

单词 Probate
释义 遺囑認證
A grant under the seal of the court authorising the executors named in it to administer the testator’s estate: Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 2. Probate may be granted in solemn form or in common form. Applications for probate or for letters of administration must be made in person in the Probate Registry of the High Court: Non-Contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) r 4(1), (2). Every application for a grant must be supported by an oath in the form applicable to the circumstances of the case, contained in an affidavit sworn by the applicant: r 6(1). See also Grant in common form; Grant of probate; Grant of representation.
遺囑認證指以法院印章作出的授予書,授權其內指名的遺囑執行人管理立遺囑人的遺產 : 《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》 (第10章)第 2條。遺囑認證可以(鄭重/莊嚴) 的形式授予。必須親自在高等法院的遺產承辦處申請遺囑認證或遺產管理書: 無爭議遺囑認證規則 (第 10A章)第 4(1), (2)規則。每項授予申請均須有誓言支持,誓言須以適用於其個案情況的指明表格作出,並須載於經申請人宣誓的誓章內: 第 6(1) 規則。另見 Grant in common form; Grant of probate; Grant of representation。n.




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