

单词 Probative value
释义 有證據的價值
The trial judge has a discretion to exclude evidence if its prejudicial effect is out of proportion to its probative value: DPP v Boardman [1974] 3 All ER 887, [1975] AC 421 (HL); Chan King Hei [1995] 2 HKC 681 (CA). The question of admissibility in situations where similar fact was relied upon is always essentially one of probative value. What must first be addressed was the purpose for which the evidence was sought to be led, the issue to which it was relevant; and then to ask whether the similar fact evidence was genuinely and logically probative of that purpose and, only if so, assess the weight of that probative value, and the prejudice which it imparted: HKSAR v Wong Wah Yee [2000] 4 HKC 722 (CA). The prosecution should not lead evidence the prejudicial effect of which far outweighs any probative value. The prejudicial matter should go to one of the ingredients of the offence and have genuine probative value: Mok Chuen v R [1977] HKLR 605 (CA). Where the document sought to be discovered has little probative value, discovery will not be ordered: David Kahn Inc v Conway Stewart & Co Ltd [1972] FSR 169. To help the jury establish the probative value of the confession it may be necessary to go over testimony which the trial judge has heard on the trial within a trial: Chan Wei Keung v R [1967] 2 AC 160, 51 Cr App Rep 257 (PC). See also Christie discretion.
審訊法官有酌情決定權豁除具有損利益效果與證據價值不成比例的證據:DPP v Boardman [1974] 3 All ER 887, [1975] AC 421 (上議院); Chan King Hei [1995] 2 HKC 681 (上訴法院)。於依賴相若事實的情況下,有證據的價值主要常為可接納程度的問題。先必須注意的是尋求證據的目的,有關該證據的事宜;然後問及相若事實證據是否確實及邏輯上有證據的價值,及僅為如此,評估該有證據的價值的分量,及其造成的不利:HKSAR v Wong Wah Yee [2000] 4 HKC 722(上訴法院)。控方不應引導有損利益效果遠超過有證據價值的證據。有損害利益的事宜應為構成罪行的其中一種成份及有真正證據價值者:Mok Chuen v R [1977] HKLR 605(上訴法院)。凡尋求的文件為沒有真正的證據價值,法庭不會發出 文件透露命令: David Kahn Inc v Conway Stewart & Co Ltd [1972] FSR 169。為協助陪審團確立供認的證據價值,可能有需要重複法官在審訊中的審訊所聽取的證供: Chan Wei Keung v R [1967] 2 AC 160, 51 Cr App Rep 257 (樞密院)。另見 Christie discretion。




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