

单词 Centrocon arbitration clause
释义 仲裁條款
A clause incorporated into an arbitration agreement, usually in shipping charterparties, providing for any claim to be made in writing and the claimant’s arbitrator to be appointed within three months of final discharge of cargo. Where that provision is not complied with, the claim is deemed waived and absolutely barred. The clause has the effect of making the written notice of claim and the appointment of an arbitrator part of one process, so that the making of a claim is a step to commence arbitrator proceedings: Jadranska Slobodna Plovidba v Oleagine SA (the Luka Botic) [1984] 1 WLR 300 (CA). The clause may provide for the appointment of more than one arbitrator and the time limit for the appointment of arbitrators may differ for different agreements: Uni-Ocean Lines Private Ltd v Jaguar Shipping Corp Ltd [1985] 1 HKC 25 (HC). See also Arbitration; Arbitration agreement; Arbitration clause.
收納在仲裁協議中的條款,通常見於租船合約中,為以下事宜訂定條文:任何須以書面發出的申索,申索人須在最後卸貨前的三個月內委任其仲裁員。凡未能遵從此條文,則該申索當作無效及被絕對禁制。此條款的作用是使書面申索通知書及仲裁員的委任成為程序的一部分,並使提出申索成為提出仲裁訴訟的步驟:Jadranska Slobodna Plovidba v Oleagine SA (the Luka Botic) [1984] 1 WLR 300(英國上訴法院)。此條款亦可為委任多於一位仲裁員訂定條文,而不同的協議可訂定不同的委任仲裁員的時限:Uni-Ocean Lines Private Ltd v Jaguar Shipping Corp Ltd [1985] 1 HKC 25(高等法院)。另見 Arbitration; Arbitration agreement; Arbitration clause。




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