

单词 Special occupancy
释义 特別佔用
The right of occupancy formerly afforded at common law to the heir of the grantee of an estate pur autre vie where the grantee died before the cestui que vie. The grantee’s heir was permitted to occupy the land for the balance of the estate pur autre vie. The special occupant did not inherit the land, the estate being incapable of inheritance, but merely had a right of occupation. The common law position was altered to allow a grantee to devise the life estate ((IMP) Statute of Frauds 1677 s 12) but the rule as to special occupant remained: Earl of Mountcashell v More-Smyth [1896] AC 158. See also Cestui que vie; Life estate; Possession; Residue; Testator.
以往在普通法,如承授人在生存期作他人權益期之前死亡,則給予承授人的繼承人為他人管有的產業的佔用權。承授人的繼承人獲准予佔有土地以平衡為他人管有的產業。特別佔用人並沒有繼承土地,有關的土地不可被繼承,但僅有佔用的權利。普通法的情況已更改,現准予承授人遺贈終身產業權((IMP) 1677年防止欺詐法令第12條),但有關特別佔用人的規則仍然有效:Earl of Mountcashell v More-Smyth [1896] AC 158。另見 Cestui que vie; Life estate; Possession; Residue; Testator。




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