

单词 Privately appointed receiver
释义 私人委任的接管人
A person appointed out of court pursuant to a statutory power or an express power in an instrument for the purposes of collecting or protecting property. The appointment of a receiver or a receiver and manager by the court may be obtained upon an originating summons, but it is generally obtained by motion in an action. The person appointed receiver by the court is usually the person nominated by the plaintiff in an action to enforce the security: Budgett v Improved Patent Forced Draught Furnace Syndicate Ltd [1901] WN 23. A body corporate is not qualified for appointment as receiver of the property of a company: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 297(1). Receivers appointed out of court are personally liable for contract they enter into in the performance of his duties: s 298A(2). Where a receiver is appointed, every invoice, order for goods or business letter issued by and on behalf of the company shall contain a statement a receiver ha been appointed: s 299. The powers of a receiver appointed out of court is dependent upon the provisions of the instrument or debenture he is appointed under or any applicable statutory power: for example, Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) ss 50, 51, sch 4. See also Court appointed receiver; Receiver.
按照法定權力或為收取或保障物業而按照一份法律文件的明示權力在法庭以外委任的人。可以原訴傳票獲得委任為接管人或由法庭委任為接管人或經理人, 但通常以訴訟的動議獲得。由法庭委任的接管人通常是在訴訟中由原告提名的人, 而強制執行保證: Budgett v Improved Patent Forced Draught Furnace Syndicate Ltd [1901] WN 23。法人團體並無資格獲委任為公司財產的接管人: 《公司條例》 (第32章) 第297 (1) 條。在法庭外獲委任的接管人,就所需履行其義務而訂立的合約,有個人的法律責任:第298A(2)條。凡已委任公司財產的接管人,由公司發出或代公司發出的任何發票、訂貨單或商業信件,均須載有一項陳述,述明已有接管人獲委任:第299條。在法庭外獲委任的接管人之權力視乎在委任該接管人的法律文件或債權證的條文或任何適用的法定權力: 例如: 《物業轉易及財產條例》 (第219章0 第50, 51條, 表4。另見 Court appointed receiver; Receiver。




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