

单词 Directors' report
释义 董事報告書
A report attached to every balance sheet laid before a company in general meeting; a report by the directors with respect to the profit or loss of the company for the financial year and the state of the company’s affairs as at the end of that year. Every directors’ report shall be approved by the board of directors and signed on behalf of the board either by the chairman of the meeting or by the secretary of the company. The details contained in the report include information about principal activities during the year, dividends paid or recommended, amount carried to reserves, donation for charitable or other purposes, particulars of changes in fixed assets, issue of any shares during the financial year and the reason for issue, name of persons who were directors, contracts which is directly or indirectly interested by a director: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 129D; Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong Vol. 6 [95.0808]. See also Disclosure.
指在大會上隨附每份資產負債表提交公司省覽的報告書;指董事就公司在有關財政年度的利潤或虧損、以及公司在該年度結束時的事務狀況而作出的報告書。每份董事報告書,均須經董事局批准,並由批准該份報告書的會議的主席或由公司秘書代表董事局簽署。載於報告的詳情應包括下列資料:公司在該年度期間的主要活動、支付或建議應支付的股息、轉入儲備的款額、作慈善或其他用途的捐款、固定資產改變的詳情、公司在有關財政年度發行的任何股份及發行該等股份的理由、充任公司董事的人的姓名、與董事有直接或間接利害關係的合約:《公司條例》(第32章)第129D條;Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,第 [95.0808]段。另見 Disclosure。




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