

单词 Unsound mind
释义 精神不健全
The mind of a person who is mentally incompetent, incapable of receiving just impressions of the facts, incapable of understanding the legal implications of the execution of a document, or incapable of managing his own affairs. Persons of unsound mind, who, at the time of their examination, appear incapable of receiving just impressions of the facts respecting which they are examined or of relating them truly, shall be incompetent to give evidence in any proceedings: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 3(b).
Family law - The state of being mentally incompetent. A marriage which takes place after 30 June 1972 will be voidable only on the grounds that either party to the marriage did not validly consent to it, in consequence of unsoundness of mind: Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 20(2)(c); Shu Wing Li v Yeung Siu Ling, Amy [1994] 1 HKC 281 (CA). Where a petition for nullity of marriage has been presented on the ground that the respondent at the time of the marriage was of unsound mind then, whether or not the respondent gives notice of intention to defend, the petitioner shall not proceed with the cause without the leave of the court: Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) r 107(1). See also Void marriage.
Succession - The mind of the person being incapable of forming the testamentary intentions, incapable of disposing of the estate, recalling and comprehending the ties of the beneficiaries and their claims on his estate, knowing his acts and the effects. A testator shall understand the nature of the act and its effects; shall understand the extent of the property of which he is disposing; shall be able to comprehend and appreciate the claims to which he ought to give effect; and, with a view to the latter object, no disorder of the mind shall poison his affections, pervert his sense of right, or prevent the exercise of his natural faculties, ie no insane delusion shall influence his will in disposing of his property and bring about a disposal of it which, if the mind had been sound, would not have been made: Banks v Goodfellow (1870) LR 5 QB 549. If the question of testamentary capacity is contested, the onus lies on the person propounding the will to prove testamentary capacity on the balance of probabilities: Chan Tin Lam v Chan Lai Chun & Ors (HCA 12892/96, HCAP 3/97, unreported). A doctor should carry out tests of testamentary capacity on an old and sick testator. Precautions must be taken to make sure that he has the soundness of mind required for testamentary capacity, especially where there are circumstances which arouse suspicion such as the alteration of an earlier will and the benefit to a particular legatee who is involved in the making of the will: Ma Po Chim v Mar Lok Shan [1992] 2 HKLR 286. See also Sound disposing mind; Testamentary capacity.
Trust - The state of being incapable from infirmity of mind of managing one’s own affairs. Where a trustee, being a person of unsound mind, is also entitled in possession to some beneficial interest in the trust property, no appointment of a new trustee in his place shall be made by the continuing trustees or trustee unless leave has been given by the court to make the appointment: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 37(9). The court may make an order appointing a new trustee in substitution for a trustee who is a person of unsound mind: s 42(1).
家庭法 -   處於精神上無能力的狀態。凡屬在1972年6月30日之後締結的婚姻,僅能基於婚姻的任何一方並非有效地同意結婚,而可使無效:《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第20(2)(c)條;Shu Wing Li v Yeung Siu Ling, Amy [1994] 1 HKC 281(上訴法庭)。凡提出婚姻無效呈請的理由,是答辯人在結婚時心智不健全或患有精神紊亂,而其所患精神紊亂的類別或程度使其不適宜結婚與生育子女,或是答辯人患有復發性精神錯亂或復發性癲癇症,則不論答辯人有無發出擬抗辯通知,呈請人未得法院許可,不得繼續進行該項訴訟:(第179A章)第107(1)條規則。另見 Void marriage。
繼承法 -   不能形成立遺囑人遺願的人的精神,而不能處置產業、不能記起及理解與受益人之間的關係,以及受益人對其產業的申索、不能知悉其行為及該行為的影響。立遺囑人須明白其行為的性質及該行為的影響;須明白他所處置的財產的範圍;須有能力理解及充分意識到他應作出的申索;及為了後者的目的,無精神失常不會危害其意向,使其判斷對錯的能力反常,或妨礙他運用正常官能,即沒有任何精神錯亂的錯覺會影響其處置產業的意願,及若精神健全時本應不會作出處置產業:Banks v Goodfellow (1870) LR 5 QB 549。若就立遺囑能力提出爭辯,提呈該遺囑的人負有舉證責任,以相對可能性的衡量來證明立遺囑能力:Chan Tin Lam v Chan Lai Chun & Ors(高院民事訴訟1996年第12892號,遺囑認證訴訟1997年第號,未經彙報)。就年老及患病的立遺囑人而言,醫生應對該立遺囑人進行立遺囑能力的測試。必須作出預防措施,確保該立遺囑人有立遺囑能力所需的健全精神,尤其是當產生懷疑的情況時,例如更改較早的遺囑,及更改某特定受遺贈人的利益,而該受遺贈人有參與該遺囑的訂立:Ma Po Chim v Mar Lok Shan [1992] 2 HKLR 286。另見 Sound disposing mind; Testamentary capacity。
信託 -   處於因精神欠妥而不能管理自己的事務的狀態。凡任何精神不健全的人身為受託人,並有權管有信託財產的某些實益權益,則留任受託人不得根據本條委任新受託人予以代替,但如法院已給予許可作出委任者除外:《受託人條例》(第29章)第37(9)條。法院可作出命令,委任一名新受託人以替代任何精神不健全的受託人:第42(1)條。




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