

单词 Unusual danger
释义 不尋常的危險
An inherent danger, the existence or likelihood of which an occupier of premises knows or ought to have known. Under common law rules, an occupier of premises owed a duty of care to invitees only in respect of unusual dangers. What constituted an unusual danger was a question of fact to be determined, and involving a consideration of the static condition of the premises as well as the operations being conducted on them: Glasgow Corp v Muir [1943] AC 448. The notion of special duties has been abolished in Hong Kong and the law now imposes a general duty on occupiers of land to take reasonable care to see that the visitors will be reasonably safe in using the premises: Occupiers Liability Ordinance (Cap 314) ss 3, 4. Dangers are due to the state of the premises or to things done or omitted to be done on them. There is no longer any difference between the duty to an invitee and that to a licensee. There is no longer any distinction between unusual dangers and concealed dangers or traps. A shopkeeper is under a duty to use reasonable care to see that the shop floor on which people are invited is kept reasonably safe; if an unusual danger which the injured person is unaware of is present, and the danger is one which would not be expected and ought not to be present, the burden of proof is on the defendants to explain how it was that the accident happened: Turner v Arding & Hobbs Ltd [1949] 2 All ER 911. See also Invitee; Occupiers’ liability.
固有的危險,處所佔用人知悉或本應知悉其出現或可能性。根據普通法規則,處所佔用人僅就不尋常的危險對被邀請者負有謹慎責任。什麼構成不尋常的危險屬有待決定的事實問題,及涉及考慮該處所固定的狀況,以及在該處所進行的作業:Glasgow Corp v Muir [1943] AC 448。有關特別責任的概念已於香港被廢除,現時法律對土地佔用人施加 一般責任,採取合理的謹慎措施,以確保訪客使用該處所時是合理地安全:《佔用人法律責任條例》(第314章)第3, 4條。危險是由於該處所的狀況,或於該處所作出或沒有作出的事情。對被邀請者及許可證持有人所負的責任,再沒有任何分別。店主負有責任行使合理的謹慎合理的謹慎,以確保獲邀的人站在店內地面時一直是合理地安全;若存在受傷害者不知悉的不尋常的危險,而且無法預期該危險的出現,及該危險不應存在,則被告人負有舉證負責,解釋意外是如何發生:Turner v Arding & Hobbs Ltd [1949] 2 All ER 911。另見 Invitee; Occupiers’ liability。




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