

单词 Passive personality
释义 消極人格原則
An international law principle by which criminal jurisdiction can be invoked over a foreigner living extraterritorially. It is a controversial ground for granting and assuming criminal jurisdiction in relation to the act of a foreigner abroad where the victim was a national of the state claiming jurisdiction. Passive personality purports to grant a state jurisdiction over all crimes committed against one of its nationals, regardless of the place where the crime was committed or the nationality of the offender: Loutus case (France v Turkey) 1927 PCIJ ser A No 10. The court has no power to make orders against persons outside its territorial jurisdiction unless authorised by statute; there is no inherent extra-territorial jurisdiction: Mercedes-Benz AG v Leiduck [1995] 3 HKC 1, 3 All ER 929, [1996] 1 AC 284 (PC). See also Extraterritoriality; Private international law.
國際法律原則之一,有關當局可以憑藉這原則向某名居於不受管轄地區的外地人援引刑事司法管轄權。這項理據具爭議性,就某名外籍人在外地對希望援引司法管轄權該國的公民(即被害人)作出的行為授予並給予有關當局刑事司法管轄權。消極人格原則的本意是,某國可以因其任何公民為任何罪行的受害人而獲授司法管轄權,不論有關罪行發生在何地,亦不論犯罪者為任何國家的公民:Loutus case (France v Turkey) 1927 PCIJ ser A No 10。法院無權向任何不受其司法管轄權管轄的人作出判令,但獲成文法授權的情況除外;法院沒有固有的司法管轄權規管境外發生的事情:Mercedes-Benz AG v Leiduck [1995] 3 HKC 1, 3 All ER 929, [1996] 1 AC 284(樞密院)。另見 Extraterritoriality; Private international law。




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