

单词 Common market
释义 共同市場
A general term for an association of countries as a single economic unit with free movement of labour and capital among member countries and internal free trade and common external tariffs. The Common Market (also the European Economic Community’) is an economic association, established in 1958, and now including Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Germany. The aims and objectives of a common markets, as defined for the European Union, include promoting throughout the community a harmonious and balanced development of economic activities, a high degree of convergence of economic performance, a high level of employment and of social protection, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life, and economic cohesion and solidarity among members of the Union: Treaty on European Union 1992 art 2. See also European Union.
是對若干國家聯合組成的一個單獨的經濟集團的通稱,集團成員國之間勞動力和資本等生產要素可自由流動,對內實行自由貿易,對外則統一徵稅。而「共同市場」則指歐洲經濟共同體,是建立於1958年的一個經濟聯合體,現成員國包括比利時、英國、丹麥、法國、希臘、愛爾蘭、意大利、盧森堡,荷蘭、葡萄牙、西班牙和德國。共同市場的宗旨和目標,正如歐盟所界定的,是促進整個共同體經濟和諧、平衡和高度一致地發展,提高就業率、社會保障和人民生活水平,並在各成員國間建立更加密切的聯繫:《歐盟條約》(1992)第2條。另見 European Union。




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