

单词 Television link facility
释义 電視聯繫的設施
1. A facility that enables a person in one place to see, hear and thus communicate with someone who is remote from the first person, via a television and other video equipment. 2. The taking of evidence particularly from foreign witnesses by means of television conferencing. The practice and procedure for an application for leave for evidence to be given through live television link or to tender video recorded evidence is set out in the Live Television Link and Video Recorded Evidence Rules (Cap 221J). An application for live television link can be made by either a party to the proceedings or by or on behalf of the witness concerned: Live Television Link and Video Recorded Evidence Rules (Cap 221J) r 3(1). The criteria for determining whether evidence may be given this way has been held to be (a) whether evidence tended to connect the defendant with the commission of the offence, ie whether the witness’s apprehension was reasonable; (b) whether the witness or his family had been subjected to threats in the past or likely to be so in the future; and (c) whether the defendant would be prejudiced if leave was granted: R v Wong Kwai Nam (DCA 100053/95, unreported). This facility is used to enable witnesses to give evidence without attending court in person. The advantage of television link is that the evidence is taken during the hearing and the court is still able to assess the demeanour of the witness, albeit by television. Children (R v Chan Bing For [1997] 2 HKC 205), vulnerable witnesses (Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 79B(1)), and any other person likely to suffer emotional trauma by the usual practices of the court may give their evidence by the use of television link. See also Children’s testimony; Witness.
1. 通過電視或其他錄影設備,使某人可在一處地方看見、聽見並因而可與遠離該人的若干人士通訊的設施。  2. 通過電視會議的方式取得證據,特別是取得外國證人的證據。《電視直播聯繫及錄影紀錄證據規則》(第221J章) 列明向法庭提出申請,以獲得許可通過電視直播聯繫提供證據或提供錄影紀錄證據的做法及程序。可由有關法律程序的一方或由有關證人或證人代表提出電視直播聯繫的申請:《電視直播聯繫及錄影紀錄證據規則》(第221J章)第3(1)條規則。決定是否可藉此等方式提供證據的標準被裁定為(a) 有關的證據是否會有助有關被告人犯有關的罪行,即有關證人的恐懼是否合理;(b) 有關證人或其親屬是否在過去或相當可能在將來蒙受威脅;及(c) 如授予許可,有關的被告人是否會蒙受不利:R v Wong Kwai Nam(區院上訴1995年100053號,未經彙報)。此等設施用以使證人可在沒有親自出庭的情況下提供證據。電視聯繫的優點在於有關的證據是在聆訊內取得的,而法庭即使是通過電視的方式,但仍可就有關證人的態度/舉止作出評估。兒童 (R v Chan Bing For [1997] 2 HKC 205)、易受傷害的證人(《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第 221章)第79B(1)條)及任何其他相當可能會因為藉慣常法庭的做法而蒙受精神創傷的人,可藉電視聯繫的使用提供他們的證據。另見 Children’s testimony; Witness。




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