

单词 Totality principle
释义 整體原則

The rule requiring the court which passes a series of sentences, each perfectly proper in its own right, to consider whether the aggregate which is achieved is just and appropriate: A-G v Cheung Kai Man, Dominic [1987] HKLR 788. The totality principle enables the court to mitigate what strict justice would otherwise indicate, where a total effect of the sentences merited by the individual crimes becomes so crushing as to call for the merciful intervention of the court by way of reducing the total effect: R v Chan Kam Chuen [1995] 2 HKCLR 257. Totality is only to be looked at after the correct sentence for each of the individual offences has been identified: HKSAR v Wong Kam Tat [2002] 2 HKC 677. The correct approach is first to determine the starting point for the individual offences; then the appropriate sentence after mitigation, if any, for the individual offences; and, only then, totality: HKSAR v Yeung Kwai Kuen [2002] 3 HKC 395. See also Proportionality; Sentence.
規定處以一系列刑罰(每一項本身均完全適宜)的法院考慮達至的總和是否公平及適宜的規則:A-G v Cheung Kai Man, Dominic [1987] HKLR 788。整體原則容許法院減輕嚴格公義會以其他方式顯示的處罰,即由個別罪行構成的應得的整體刑罰變得具壓倒性,因而須要求法院憑藉減少整體的影響仁慈地干預:R v Chan Kam Chuen [1995] 2 HKCLR 257。僅在已確定每一個別罪行的正確形罰之後才會應用整體原則:HKSAR v Wong Kam Tat [2002] 2 HKC 677。正確的方法是首先決定個別罪行的刑罰起點,然後決定每一項罪行減刑後的適當刑罰(如有的話),其後並僅在這以後才決定總計刑罰:HKSAR v Yeung Kwai Kuen [2002] 3 HKC 395。另見 Proportionality; Sentence。





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