

单词 Summary jurisdiction
释义 簡易程序司法管轄權
In criminal law, the power to hear and determine offences of a less serious nature, such as gambling and careless driving: for example Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Ordinance (Cap 272) s 4. The Magistrates’ Court in Hong Kong has summary jurisdiction and hears summary offences as opposed to indictable offences which are of a more serious nature. A magistrate may not assume summary jurisdiction over an indictable offence unless the consent of the prosecutor is obtained: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 94A; A-G v Choi Yan Kwong [1989] 1 HKC 131 (CA). See also Summary conviction; Summary offence; Summary proceedings.
在刑法上,對性質不太嚴重的罪行進行聆訊及裁定,例如賭博及不小心駕駛:例如《汽車保險(第三者風險)條例》(第272章)第4條。香港的裁判法院有簡易程序司法管轄權及對簡易程序罪行進行聆訊,而非性質更嚴重的可公訴罪行。除非已獲檢控官的同意,否則裁判官不可對任何可公訴罪行行使簡易程序司法管轄權:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第94A條;A-G v Choi Yan Kwong [1989] 1 HKC 131(上訴法庭)。另見 Summary conviction; Summary offence; Summary proceedings。




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