

单词 Earning capacity
释义 謀生能力/賺取收入能力
A person’s ability to earn a living without spousal assistance. A person’s earning capacity is relevant in determining his or her entitlement to spousal maintenance: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 7(1)(a); Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (Cap 179) s 17A(2)(a). A person’s health, level of training, education, and experience will largely determine his or her earning capacity. Obligations to care for a child may also impact on a person’s earning capacity: In the Marriage of Evans (1978) 30 FLR 566n. See also Child maintenance; Earnings; Property settlement; Spousal maintenance.
Tort - A plaintiff is entitled to recover damages for any reduction in earning capacity, so far as that reduction causes financial loss to the plaintiff. The amount awarded will therefore vary according to the injury and the estimated earning capacity of the plaintiff. The latter is calculated by reference to the extent of the plaintiff’s income prior to the event which reduced his or her earning capacity. All material facts relied on in support of a claim for loss of earning capacity must be included in the statement of damage: High Court Practice Direction No 18.1 ‘The Personal Injuries List’ para 2.1(ii). In personal injury actions, claims for future loss of earning capacity constitute special damage and should be pleaded as precisely as possible: Chan Wai Tong v Li Ping Sum [1985] HKLR 176, AC 446, 2 WLR 396 (PC). See also Future earnings.
指在沒有配偶的協助下,一人謀生的能力。在決定一人享有的配偶贍養費時,其謀生能力有關:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第7(1)(a) 條;《婚姻訴訟條例》(第179章)第17A(2)(a) 條。一人的健康、訓練水平、教育程度,以及工作經驗是決定其謀生能力的主要因素。照顧子女的義務亦可影響一人的謀生能力:In the Marriage of Evans (1978) 30FLR 566n。另見 Child maintenance; Earnings; Property settlement; Spousal maintenance。
侵權法 - 原告人有權就賺取收入能力的減少追討損害賠償,只要該等減少引致原告人在經濟上造成損失便可。判給的款額因此會根據原告人的傷害及估計的賺取收入能力而改變。後者透過原告人在其賺取收入能力減少之事件發生前的收入計算。在賺取收入能力損失申索中,一切賴以支持該申索的具關鍵性的事實,必須包括在損害陳述書中:《高等法院執業指引》第18.1號「人身傷害訟案表」第2.1(ii)段。在人身傷害訟案中,喪失未來賺取收入能力的申索構成特殊損害,並應該盡可能精確地作訴:Chan Wai Tong v Li Ping Sum [1985] HKLR 176, AC 446, 2 WLR 396 (樞密院)。另見 Future earnings。




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