

单词 Jury tampering
释义 陪審團干預
Misconduct in relation to a jury during the course of a trial involving contact being made with a member or members of the jury with a view to attempting to influence the jury’s verdict by persuasion or threat: R v Blackwell & Ors [1995] 2 Cr App Rep 625 (CA). It was dealt with as a common law offence of embracery, which is now for all purposes obsolete, and is dealt with as contempt of court: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.216]. Attempting to influence a juror could also amount to an attempt to pervert the course of justice under common law: R v Lee Chi Wai [1988] HKC 626, 2 HKLR 595 (HC). Examples are inducing a jury member not to appear or the use of threats, promises, letters or the like: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.216]. Where a person approaches a juror or jurors and attempts to influence them the trial judge has three main options: (1) to discharge the jury and order a re-trial; (2) to discharge the juror (or jurors) who have been approached and (if there are sufficient jurors left after discharge) continue the trial; (3) continue the trial without having discharged the juror: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.806]. The principle issue is whether there is a real danger that the accused may be prejudiced in his trial: R v Spencer & Ors; R v Smails & Ors [1986] 2 All ER 928, [1987] AC 128 (HL). See also Attempting to pervert the course of justice; Embracery.
指有關陪審團的不當行為,在審訊的過程中,涉及與陪審團個別成員或多名成員接觸並試圖以游說或威脅的方式影響陪審團的裁決:R v Blackwell & Ors [1995] 2 Cr App Rep 625 (上訴法院)。它曾經以普通法上的籠絡陪審員罪行處理,現在就各方面而言均屬過時,並以藐視法庭的罪行處理:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.216]段。企圖影響某陪審員在普通法上,亦可導致企圖妨礙司法公正:R v Lee Chi Wai [1988] HKC 626, 2 HKLR 595 (高等法院)。例子包括誘使某陪審員不出庭,或利用威脅、承諾、信件或類似的方式:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊, 刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.216]段。當某人接觸某陪審員或多名陪審員,並企圖影響該等陪審員,主審法官有三項主要的選擇:(1) 解散陪審團及作出重新審訊的命令;(2) 解除曾被接觸陪審員的職務,如仍有足夠數目的陪審員,就繼續進行該審訊;(3) 在沒有解除任何陪審員職務的情況下,繼續進行審訊:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.216]段。主要的爭議在於被告人是否有在審訊中蒙受不利的真正危險:R v Spencer & Ors; R v Smails & Ors [1986] 2 All ER 928, [1987] AC 128 (上議院)。另見 Attempting to pervert the course of justice; Embracery。




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