

单词 Jurisdiction
释义 司法管轄權
The scope of the court’s power to examine and determine the facts, interpret and apply the law, make orders and declare judgment. Jurisdiction may be limited by geographic area, the type of parties who appear, the type of relief that can be sought, and the point to be decided. The powers of courts of limited jurisdiction are generally defined by statute. Where jurisdiction is questioned, jurisdiction connotes the statutory limits imposed upon the court to hear and determine issues together with general principles requiring a clear case to be made out.
Foreign relations - In international law, the lawful authority and competence of a state to prescribe and apply its laws to all within its territory including nationals, foreigners, properties, resources and endowments in land, territorial waters, airspace, and the territorial boundaries of a state. States may exercise criminal jurisdiction on bases other than territoriality, such as protection of the state’s interests, universal jurisdiction (A-G (Israel) v Eichmann (1961) 36 ILR 5), and the nationality of the offender. See also Forum; Inherent jurisdiction; Pendent jurisdiction; Service outside jurisdiction.
外交關係 -   在國際法上,某國家為向其領土,包括國家土地、領海、空域及領土範圍內的國民、外國人、財產、資源及捐贈訂明及應用其法律的合法權力及權限範圍。國家可根據領土權以外的事項而行使刑事司法管轄權,如保障國家利益、普世司法管轄權(A-G (Israel) v Eichmann (1961) 36 ILR 5) 及罪犯的國籍。另見 Forum; Inherent jurisdiction; Pendent jurisdiction; Service outside jurisdiction。n.




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