

单词 Judicial notice
释义 司法認知
A finding by a court of the existence of a fact which as not been established by evidence whenever a fact is so generally known that ordinary persons may be presumed to be aware of it, a court may take judicial notice of the fact either without further inquiry if it is satisfied of the existence of the fact or after inquiry from sources the court considers to be reliable. A court may accept those facts as proven without requiring proof of them in the normal way. It refers to facts which a judge can be called upon to receive and to act upon either from his general knowledge of them, or from inquiries made by himself for his own information from sources to which it is proper for him to refer. The rule applies to both judges and juries. Subjects upon which a court may take judicial notice include: elementary and fundamental matters relating to the law of other countries (R v Leung Yan [1927] 22 HKLR 35); matters of economics and finance but not on aspects of the labour market at a particular time (Lau Wing Shing v Chung Fat Mechanical Works Co & Anor [1987] 2 HKC 180 (CA)); the meaning of words including colloquialisms, slang words and similar expressions (Chan Man Ching v R [1978] HKLR 97 (CA)); a variety of aspects of criminal conduct (R v Tse Kwok Keung [1995] 1 HKCLR 1 (smuggling of goods taking place in Hong Kong); Wong Yin Yu v R [1972] HKLR 6 (aspects of illicit trafficking in drugs); R v Chan Man Ching [1978] HKLR 64 (aspects of slang used in illicit trade in drugs); Tsang Sum v R [1978] HKLR 64 (CA) (existence and nature of triads); Tang Chi Keung & Ors v R [1978] HKLR 16 (CA) (types of weapons used in triad fights). Judicial notice is also taken of common law and of the practice and procedure of courts within the jurisdiction. Every Hong Kong Ordinance and all Regulations are judicially noticed: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 11. All judicial officers acting judicially are required to take judicial notice of the signature of judges provided it is attached to any judicial or official documents: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 38. Some ordinance provide a form of specialised judicial notice: for example, Societies Ordinance (Cap 151) in R v Tsoi Sai Pui & Ors [1992] 1 HKC 468 (HC); Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 109(5) in R v Ngai Man [1990] 1 HKC 344 (HC). However, Magistrates might take judicial notice of matters within their area that were notorious, that is, which were known to the ordinary informed person within that area. That did not mean that a matter of which judicial notice was taken was conclusively proved. It might be disputed by calling evidence to the contrary: R v Chan Kin San & Anor [1988] 2 HKLR 232 (HC); Bruce Criminal Evidence in Hong Kong (Butterworths) para [2-103]. See also Judicial independence.
由法庭裁斷某事實的存在,而該裁斷並非由證據所確立,只要在任何時候,該事實屬眾人皆知的事實,而且推斷一般人能夠察覺該事實,法庭即可在不作出進一步查詢的情況下,如該事實符合其存在的條件,或向法庭認為可靠的根源查詢後,予以事實的司法認知。法庭可在沒有規定以正常的方式證明該等事實的情況下,接納該等事實為已證明的事實。該等事實乃指任何法官可被傳喚收取,及可從該法官的一般知識、或從該法官主動由其認為適合引用的根源所作出的查詢,而作出行動。該規則適用於法官及陪審團。法官可就以下的問題予以司法認知,包括:有關其他國家法律的基本及主要事項(R v Leung Yan [1927] 22 HKLR 35);經濟及財政事項,但並不包括在特定時期的勞工市場在內(Lau Wing Shing v Chung Fat Mechanical Works Co & Anor [1987] 2 HKC 180 (上訴法院));文字的涵義,包括口頭用語、俚語及相似的語句(Chan Man Ching v R [1978] HKLR 97 (上訴法院));不同方面的刑事行為(R v Tse Kwok Keung [1995] 1 HKCLR 1 (在香港進行走私貨品的行動);Wong Yin Yu v R [1972] HKLR 6 (非法販運毒品方面);R v Chan Man Ching [1978] HKLR 64(非法交易毒品所用的俚語);Tsang Sum v R [1978] HKLR 64 (上訴法院) (三合會的存在與性質);Tang Chi Keung & Ors v R [1978] HKLR 16 (上訴法院) (三合會打鬥時所使用的武器)。司法認知亦須考慮普通法、在司法管轄權範圍內法庭的慣例及法律程序。每一香港的條例及所有規例,必須予以司法認知:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第11條。所有以司法人員身分行事的司法人員,須對在司法文件或官方文件所附加的法官簽名,予以司法認知:《證據條例》(第8章)第38條。某些條例提供特定司法認知的方式:如在R v Tsoi Sai Pui & Ors [1992] 1 HKC 468 (高等法院)引用的《社團條例》 (第151章);R v Ngai Man [1990] 1 HKC 344 (高等法院)引用的《道路交通條例》(第374章)第109條 (5)。但是,裁判官可能會就眾所週知範圍內的事項予以司法認知,即是在該範圍內一般獲告知的人所知悉的事項。這不代表已予以司法認知的事項已不可推翻地被證明。該事項可以提出相反證據作出爭議:R v Chan Kin San & Anor [1988] 2 HKLR 232 (高等法院);Bruce Criminal Evidence in Hong Kong (Butterworths) para [2-103]。另見 Judicial independence。




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