

单词 Liability to third parties
释义 對第三者的法律責任
The liability of a professional for damages to persons other than the client in respect of the professional’s breach of his or her duty of care. In terms of direct physical injury or damage, any professional person is liable to any person it could reasonably be expected might suffer such injury or damage as a result of the reasonably foreseeable consequences of the practitioner’s careless or unskilful conduct: Bank of East Asia v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd [2000] 1 HKLRD 268 (CFA). In respect of pure economic loss, reasonable foreseeability is not the sole determinant of the existence of a duty of care, so that a professional may be liable for such loss suffered by a third party provided the required relationship of proximity exists with respect to the allegedly negligent class of act and the particular kind of damage sustained by the third party: Bank of East Asia v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd, supra. See also Duty in tort; Duty of care; Standard of care.
專業人士因違反謹慎責任,而要對客戶以外的人士擔負起的損害賠償法律責任。就直接的身體傷害或損害而言,任何專業人士對下述人士負有法律責任,即該執業人士可能合理地預見,任何人會因其不謹慎、缺乏技術的行為而可能引起的合理預期後果,而所遭受的傷害或損害:Bank of East Asia v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd [2000] 1 HKLRD 268 (終審法院)。就純粹經濟上的損失而言,可合理預期並非決定謹慎責任是否存在的唯一因素,故此,專業人士可能會就第三者遭受的損失負起法律責任,前提是所指稱的疏忽類別行為,與第三者蒙受的特定種類的損害,兩者之間存有所需的接近關係:Bank of East Asia v Tsien Wui Marble Factory Ltd, 見上文。另見 Duty in tort; Duty of care; Standard of care。




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