

单词 Letters rogatory
释义 調查委託書/代詢證人委託書
Any form of written communication directed to obtaining evidence, for example, deposition in foreign countries. Letters rogatory are normally expressed as ‘letters of request’ asking for information and matters from diplomatic departments in foreign countries. Letter of request or deposition obtained pursuant to the Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) ss 77E, 77F is admissible as prima facie evidence of any fact stated therein, otherwise it cannot be admitted into evidence: Liu Sung Wai v HKSAR [1999] 1 HKLRD 89 (CFA). The Court of First Instance has jurisdiction to make an order that a witness overseas be cross-examined pursuant to a letter of request for the purpose of extradition proceedings in Hong Kong: Re Davies Yu Yok Wen [1991] 1 HKLR 7 (HC). See also Examiner; Foreign marriage; Inappropriate forum.
為取得證據(例如在外國的書面供詞)的任何形式之書面通訊。調查委託書、代詢證人委託書普遍被稱為「請求書」,它向外國的外交部部門要求獲得資料及事件。根據《證據條例》(第8章)第77E, 77F條獲得的請求書或書面供詞,可被接納為請求書或書面供詞內所述任何事實的表面證據,否則不能被接納為證據:Liu Sung Wai v HKSAR [1999] 1 HKLRD 89 (終審法院)。原訟法庭有司法管轄權命令處於海外的證人為香港的引渡司法程序依據請求書被作出盤問:Re Davies Yu Yok Wen [1991] 1 HKLR 7 (高等法院)。另見 Examiner; Foreign marriage; Inappropriate forum。




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