

单词 Vessel
释义 船隻
A structure that floats and is capable of planned and ordered movement: Steedman v Scofield [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 163.
Conflict of laws - In relation to marine pollution, a ‘ship’ of any type, operating in the marine environment including hydrofoil boats, air cushion vehicles, submersibles, floating craft, fixed or floating craft, and fixed or floating platforms: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973. See also Barge; Craft; Passenger ship; Salved vessel; Salving vessel; Ship.
Maritime law - Any ship or boat and any description of vessel used in navigation: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. It is immaterial that the vessel is propelled only by towing and is not self-propelled: Gapp v Band (1887) 19 QBD 200. It need not actually be seagoing: The Mac (1882) 7 PD 126. The dominant idea is something which is used in navigation and not merely capable of navigating for the moment: Steedman v Scofield [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 163. It is a matter of degree whether or not something has ceased to be a vessel because of damage: for example Pelton Steamship Co Ltd v North of England Protecting and Indemnity Assn (The Zelo) (1925) 22 Ll L Rep 510. Different types of vessels are defined in legislation for different purposes. For example, a ferry vessel means any vessel used for a ferry service: Ferry Services Ordinance (Cap 104) s 2(1). Any person who is found within Hong Kong on board any vessel equipped for the purposes of piracy, shall be guilty of an offence: Crime Ordinance (Cap 200) s 22(1).
浮動及可作預定及有次序的行駛的裝置:Steedman v Scofield [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 163。
法律衝突 -   就海洋污染而言,任何類型在海洋環境運作的「船」,包括水翼船、氣墊船、潛艇、浮式航行器、固定或浮式航行器、及固定或浮式平台:《1973年國際防止船舶污染公約》。另見 Barge; Craft; Passenger ship; Salved vessel; Salving vessel; Ship。
海事法 -   任何大小船艇,以及各類用於航行的船隻:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。該船隻僅由拖拉推進而非自行推進,這一點並不具關鍵性的: Gapp v Band (1887) 19 QBD 200。該船隻無須實際上航行於海上:The Mac (1882) 7 PD 126。主要認為用以航行的物件,並且不僅是可以在目前航行的物件: Steedman v Scofield [1992] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 163。某物件是否因為損害而不再是船舶,這是個涉及程度的問題:例如 Pelton Steamship Co Ltd v North of England Protecting and Indemnity Assn (The Zelo) (1925) 22 Ll L Rep 510。不同類別的船舶會因不同目的而於法例下予以界定。舉例說,渡輪指用作渡輪服務的任何船隻:《渡輪服務條例》(第104章)第2(1)條。任何人在香港境內被發現在任何配備作海盜用途的船隻上,即屬犯罪:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第22(1)條。n.




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