

单词 Dock identification
释义 辨認在被告席上的人的身分
A witness’ assertion as to the identity of a person whilst that person is in the dock of the courtroom. There is little value in the evidence of an identifying witness who is asked to identify the accused for the first time in the dock when that witness has had no prior association with the accused and has not seen the accused since the crime: R v Kwan Che Kit [1989] 1 HKLR 604; R v Hoang Duc Hoa & Ors [1997] HKLRD 12. The judge has a discretion to refuse to admit evidence of the dock identification if he deems the prejudicial effect outweighs its probative value: R v Lam Chi Fai (CACC 502/84, unreported). If a witness who makes a dock identification had previously failed to identify the accused at an identification parade, the defence should be informed: R v Liu Pang Yeung [1967] HKLR 3. See also Corroboration warning; Dock; Identification evidence.
指證人在某人於法庭內的被告席時,就該人的身分作出指稱。如有關的證人事前與被控人沒有聯繫及自有關罪行發生後沒有見過有關的被控人,則該證人被首次要求辨認處於被告席的被控人身分的識別證據價值不高:R v Kwan Che Kit [1989] 1 HKLR 604;R v Hoang Duc Hoa & Ors [1997] HKLRD 12。如法官認為不利影響大於作證據的價值,該法官具有酌情決定權拒絕接納辨認在被告席上的人的身分的證據:R v Lam Chi Fai(刑事上訴1984年第502號,未經彙報)。如作出辨認在被告席上的人的身分的證人事前在認人手續時未能識別被告,則應告知辨方:R v Liu Pang Yeung [1967] HKLR 3。另見 Corroboration warning; Dock; Identification evidence。




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