

单词 Lie
释义 謊言
An untruthful assertion of fact. Lies may support other evidence if told through a consciousness of guilt, but they cannot on their own make a prosecution case: R v Ho Kam Sum & Anor (CACC 695/1983, unreported); HKSAR v Mo Shui Shing [1999] 1 HKC 43, 2 HKLRD 155 (CA). The jury should be reminded that people sometimes lie, for example, in an attempt to bolster up a just cause, or out of shame, or out of a wish to conceal disgraceful behaviour: R v Lucas (Ruth) [1981] 73 Cr App Rep 159, QB 720 (CA). Whenever lies are relied on by the prosecution, or might be used by the jury, to support evidence of guilt as opposed to merely reflecting on the defendant’s credibility, a judge should give a full direction in accordance with the Lucas direction: R v Goodway [1993] 4 All ER 894, 98 Cr App R 11 (CA). A lie told by a defendant can strengthen or support evidence against that defendant if the jury is satisfied that the lie was deliberate, relates to a material issue, and there is no innocent explanation for it: R v Cheng Hiu Fung & Anor [1990] 2 HKC 256 (CA). See also Admission; Consciousness of guilt; Corroboration; Evidence.
對事實的不誠實斷言。如在自覺有罪的情形下講出,謊言可支持其他證據,但單就謊言本身,不能有足夠證據檢控:R v Ho Kam Sum & Anor(刑事上訴1983年第695號,未經彙報); HKSAR v Mo Shui Shing [1999] 1 HKC 43, 2 HKLRD 155(上訴法院)。法官應該提醒陪審團人們有時會說謊,例如,為增強公正因由,或因為羞恥;或為隱藏不名譽行為等:R v Lucas (Ruth) [1981] 73 Cr App Rep 159, QB 720(英國上訴法院)。無論何時當控方要依賴謊言,或陪審團可能要用謊言,以支持有罪的證據,而並非作為純粹反映被告人的可信性時,法官應按Lucas指示給予完整的指示:R v Goodway [1993] 4 All ER 894, 98 Cr App R 11(英國上訴法院)。被告人的謊言假如是就重大爭議的,而陪審團又接納為故意者,且沒有單純的解釋,該謊言可增強或支持針對被告人的證據:R v Cheng Hiu Fung & Anor [1990] 2 HKC 256(上訴法院)。另見 Admission; Consciousness of guilt; Corroboration; Evidence。n.




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