

单词 Creator
释义 信託設立人
The person who sets up a trust. Creator could set up a trust by appointing a third party or declaring himself or herself as the trustee. Under the Chinese law and customs, trust could only be created by inter vivos (between living persons) but not testamentary disposition: Re Lau Wai Chau [2000] 1 HKLRD 924.
確立信託的人。信託設立人可透過第三者或宣布自己為受託人以確立信託。根據中國法律及慣例,僅可藉生者之間的產權處置,而非遺囑性質的產權處置,而設立信託:Re Lau Wai Chau [2000] 1 HKLRD 924。n.




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