

单词 Attestation clause
释义 見證的條款
1. Generally, a statement in an agreement or other document that it has been duly executed in the presence of witnesses, confirming the due execution of the agreement or document: Halsbury’s Laws of England, Vol 12, paras 1301, 1331; the Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents Vol 12, para [1524]. 2. A clause in a will in which the attesting witnesses certify by subscription that it is the testator’s signature placed on the testamentary document. As an attestation clause is not an essential formalities requirement and no special form is prescribed, a lack of or defect in an attestation clause will not invalidate an otherwise valid will: Re Selby-Bigge (dec’d) [1950] 1 All ER 1009, but an attesting witness may be asked to provide an affidavit to prove the will was duly executed: Non-contentious Probate Rules (Cap 10A) r 10(1). See also Attest; Deed; Will; Witness.
1.  一般指協議或文件中一段陳述,說明訂立該協議或文件的人已在見證人面前簽署該協議或文件:Halsbury Laws of Hong Kong, 第12冊,第1301及1331段; Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents 第12冊,第[1524]段。 2.遺囑內的一項條款,說明見證人以簽署的方式確認立遺囑人在該遺囑上的簽署。見證條款不是必要的,亦沒有指定的格式。一份沒有見證條款的遺囑或見證條款出現欠妥之處,不會因此令一份有效的遺囑失效:Re Seiby-Bigge (dec’d) [1950] 1 All ER 1009。但該遺囑的見證人可能需要作出一份誓章,以證明該遺囑已妥為簽立:《無爭議遺囑認證規則》(第10A章)第10(1)款。另見 Attest; Deed; Will; Witness。




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