

单词 Judicial discretion
释义 司法酌情決定權
A discretion to be exercised according to judicial method rather than arbitrarily. An exercise of judicial discretion however does not involve the application of a strict rule of law but involves the weighing of various competing factors and making a determination according to what is fair, just, or otherwise consistent with public policy. In the Hong Kong SAR, the Court of Appeal has discretion whether to admit fresh evidence where there has not been a trial or hearing on the merits: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 59 r 10. An appellate court does not interfere with a judge’s discretion merely because it might have taken a different view. It would interfere only if the judge’s exercise of discretion was based upon a misunderstanding of the law or of the evidence before the court or if the judge’s decision was plainly wrong: Lau Lap Che Richard v Wong Sut Fan Villette [1996] 1 HKC 165 (CA). Judicial discretion can only be exercised where either the facts are plain or facts are put before the court which would constitute grounds for exercising the discretion: Terraform Engineering Co Ltd v Full Wealth Investment Ltd [1999] 1 HKC 130 (CA).
根據司法方法而並非隨意地行使的酌情決定權。但是,行使司法酌情決定權不涉及引用任何嚴格的法律規則,但涉及稱量不同的對立因素,及根據何謂公平公正,或符合公共政策而作出決定。當沒有審訊或聆訊任何訟案或事宜的是非曲直,上訴法庭則具有權力收取新的證據:高等法院規則(第4A章)第59號命令第10條規則。審理上訴的法院不能干預法官的酌情決定權,因該法院可能持有不同的觀點。只有當法官對法律有所誤解,或對呈交給法庭的證據有所誤解,或法官的判定有明顯的錯誤,法院方可干預法官行使其酌情決定權:Lau Lap Che Richard v Wong Sut Fan Villette [1996] 1 HKC 165 (上訴法院)。當有明顯的因素或呈交給法庭的因素足以構成行使酌情決定權的理由,方可行使酌情決定權:Terraform Engineering Co Ltd v Full Wealth Investment Ltd [1999] 1 HKC 130 (上訴法院)。




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