

单词 Public authority
释义 公共主管當局
Unlike the phrase ‘public body’, there is no legislative definition of ‘public authority’. Broadly speaking, a person or body executing a function for the public benefit but not for private profit may qualify as a public authority: Welch v Bank of England [1955] Ch 508, 1 All ER 811; A-G v Margate Pier and Harbour Co of Proprietors [1900] 1 Ch 749; Lyles v Southend-on-Sea Corp [1905] 2 KB 1; Parker v London County Council [1904] 2 KB 501. However, a proper construction of ‘public authority’ under the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) s 7 should include only those bodies entrusted with the discharge of government or quasi-governmental functions affecting the public at large: Hong Kong Bar Association v Anthony Chua (1994) 4 HKPLR 637. For a body to be a public authority within the meaning of s 7, there must be something in its nature or constitution, or in the way in which it is run, apart from its functions, which brings it into the public domain; and may take the form of public funding, of a measure of governmental control or monitoring of its performance, or some form of public accountability: Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Ors v Next Magazine Ltd & Anor [1997] HKLRD 102, (1996) 6 HKPLR 117. See also Policy decision.
公共主管當局與「公共機構」不同,前者並沒有法定定義。廣泛來說,為公共利益而非私人利潤,而去執行某職能的人或團體可有資格成為公共主管當局:例如 Welch v Bank of England [1955] Ch 508 at 541, [1955] 1 All ER 811 at 827; A-G v Margate Pier and Harbour Co of Proprietors [1900] 1 Ch 749; Lyles v Southend-on-Sea Corpn [1905] 2 KB 1; Parker v LCC [1904] 2 KB 501。 然而,[根據《香港人權法案條例》(第383章)第7條對(公共主管當局)的正式釋義,它包含受委託執行影響公眾人士的政府職能或類似政府職能的團體]:Hong Kong Bar Association v Anthony Chua (1994) 4 HKPLR 637 at 642。一個屬第7條對公共主管當局定義的團體,「除它的職能外,必須具某種性質或結構,或因其運行的一種方式,從而把它帶進公共領域內」;「形式可以是由公家負擔經費,有某種政府控制或監管其表現,或以某種形式向公眾負責」:Hong Kong Polytechnic University & Ors v Next Magazine Ltd & Anor (1996) 6 HKPLR 117 at 122-3。另見 Policy decision。




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