

单词 Public body
释义 公共機構
A body that performs public functions. It includes the Executive Council, the Legislative Council, any District Council, any other urban, rural or municipal council, any department of the Government, and any undertaking by or of the Government: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. It also includes any local or public authority or undertaking, any board, commission, committee or other body whether paid or unpaid appointed by the Chief Executive or the Government or which has power to act in a public capacity under or for the purposes of any enactment: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 54, Legal Officers Ordinance (Cap 87) s 2.
履行公務的機構。 公共機構包括行政會議;立法會;任何區議會;任何其他市區、郊區或城市議局;任何特區政府部門;及任何由特區政府承擔的事業:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第 3條。公共機構亦包任何地方或公共主管當局或任何地方或公共事業,由行政長官或特區政府委任而不論有酬或無酬的各類委員會或其他團體,或根據任何成文法則或為施行任何成文法則而有權力以執行公務身分行事的各類委員會或其他團體:《證據條例》(第8章)第54條;《律政人員條例》(第87章)第2條。




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