

单词 Immigration detention
释义 入境羈留
Being held by or on behalf of immigration authorities in a detention centre, specified by an immigration officer or the Secretary for Security: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) ss 13D, 13H. All illegal immigrants must be placed in immigration detention both pending a decision as to whether permission should be given to him to remain in Hong Kong and also after a decision to refuse his permission, pending his removal from Hong Kong: s 13D(1). The power to specify a place is directory and is an administrative function dependent upon available places: Re Tran Quoc Cuong & Khuc The Loc [1991] 2 HKLR 312 (HC). See also Visa.
被入境機關或入境機關的代表羈留於入境事務主任或保安局局長指明的羈留中心:《入境條例》(第115章)第13D及13H條。所有非法入境者必須被羈留在入境羈留中心,以等候准許或拒絕准許他留在香港的決定作出,或在拒絕准許他留在香港的決定作出之後,等候遣離香港:第13D(1)條。指定某地點的權力屬指示權力,並且是取決於可供選擇地點的行政職能:Re Tran Quoc Cuong & Khuc The Loc [1991] 2 HKLR 312(高等法院)。另見 Visa。




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