

单词 Drug addict
释义 吸毒者
A person who is, by reason of habitual taking or using, except on and in accordance with medical advice, of opium, or any dangerous drug within the meaning of the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134), at times dangerous to himself or herself or to others, or incapable of managing himself or herself, and his or her affairs: Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance (Cap 16) s 2. The Secretary for Security appoints places to be addiction treatment centres for the cure and rehabilitation of persons found guilty of an offence punishable by imprisonment (other than by reason of non-payment of a fine) who are addicted to dangerous drugs: Drug Addiction Treatment Centres Ordinance (Cap 244) s 3.
吸毒者指由於在並非遵照醫生囑咐的情況下慣性吸食或使用鴉片或符合《危險藥物條例》(第134章)所指的危險藥物,以致不時對其本人或他人造成危害,或以致失去控制其本人或處理其本身事務能力的人:《分居令及贍養令條例》(第 16章) 第2條。保安局局長可藉命令指定任何地方為戒毒所,作為使用任何危險藥物成癮並被裁定犯有關罪行的人(可判處監禁的人,但非因沒有繳付罰款的理由)接受治療及康復護理之用:《戒毒所條例》(第244章) 第 3條。




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