

单词 Dramatic work
释义 戲劇作品
In common law, a dramatic work entails acting, dancing or miming for its public presentation: Fuller v Blackpool Winter Gardens & Pavillion Co Ltd [1895] 2 QB 429, 23 LT 242 (CA). A dramatic work implies a work that is capable of being performed: Green v Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand [1989] RPC 700 (PC). It includes a work of dance or mime (Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 4(1)) and may include a film: Norowzian v Arks Ltd & Ors (No 2) [2000] FSR 363. Further the performance must be one which involves action. In copyright law, the requirements of originality and sufficient labour, skill, judgment in creating a dramatic work are essentially the same as those pertaining to literary works. It must be originated in the author independently or at least must be substantially: University of London Press v University Tutorial Press Ltd [1916] 2 Ch 601, 86 LJ Ch107, 115 LT 301, 32 TLR 698; Ladbroke (Football) Ltd v William Hill (Football) Ltd [1964] All ER 465, 1 WLR 273,108 Sol Jo 135. See also Cinematograph film; Copyright; Dumb show; Material form.
在普通法下,戲劇作品須為涉及演戲、舞蹈或默劇的公開表演:Fuller v Blackpool Winter Gardens & Pavillion Co Ltd [1895] 2 QB 429, 23 LT 242 (芵國上訴法院)。戲劇作品隱含可作演出的作品:Green v Broadcasting Corporation of New Zealand [1989] RPC 700 (樞密院)。戲劇作品包括舞蹈作品或默劇作品:《版權條例》(第528章)第4(1)條。此外,表演必須涉及動作。就版權法而言,原創及在創作戲劇作品上的充份努力、技巧及判斷力的規定基本上與適用於文學作品的相同。戲劇作品必須由作者獨立原創或至少須基本上由作者獨立原創:University of London Press v University Tutorial Press Ltd [1916] 2 Ch 601, 86 LJ Ch107, 115 LT 301, 32 TLR 698; Ladbroke (Football) Ltd v William Hill (Football) Ltd [1964] All ER 465, 1 WLR 273,108 Sol Jo 135。另見 Cinematograph film; Copyright; Dumb show; Material form。




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