

单词 Dredging
释义 疏浚/挖泥/浚挖

1.Developing or deepening a channel, usually for the purpose of navigation, in a river or large expanse of water by removing material from the bed and depositing it elsewhere: Dampier Mining Co Ltd v FCT (1981) 147 CLR 48, 35 ALR 335. It necessarily involves the raising of gravel, sand, and other matters dredged: Thames Conservators v Smeed [1897] 2 QB 334. 2. A method used to obtain fill to raise the level of adjacent land to better suit its intended use: Municipality of Botany v Federal Airports Corp (1992) 175 CLR 453, 109 ALR 321. 3. A method of mining for materials deposited in the bed of a river, lake or the sea. See also Mining.
1.指通常是為了船隻航行的目的的情況下,將河流或廣闊水域的河床的物質移走,並搬到別處,從而開發或挖深水道,: Dampier Mining Co Ltd v FCT (1981) 147 CLR 48, 35 ALR 335。疏浚時無可避免地會撈起砂礫及泥土,及挖掘其他物質:Thames Cnservators v Smeed [1897] 2 QB 334。  2. 指為提高毗鄰土地水平以便更能符合其擬作的用途而取得堆填物料的方法: Municipality of Botany v Federal Airports Corp (1992) 175 CLR 453,109 ALR 321。  3. 指為取得用以堆積在河流、湖泊或海洋底部的開掘物質的方法。另見 Mining。





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