

单词 Pledge
释义 質押/諾言
1.The form of security over a chattel constituted by delivery by the pledgor of the chattel or documents of title to the chattel to the security holder (the pledgee) with a right to re-transfer of possession and discharge of the security on performance of the obligation, and an authority in the pledgee to sell the property on default by the pledgor. 2. A pledge includes any contract pledging, or giving a lien or security on goods, whether in consideration of an original advance, or of any further or continuing advance, or of any pecuniary liability: Factors Ordinance (Cap 48) s 2(1). 3. A thing pledged. 4. A solemn undertaking or promise, as in a pledge of allegiance: Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) s 40. See also Bailment; Chattel; Delivery; Hypothetication; Lien; Pawn; Possession.
1. 就實產作出的擔保,由質押人向擔保持有人﹝承押人﹞作出實產或實產的業權文件的交付,質押人保留再轉讓管有及在履行義務後解除擔保的權利,而承押人在質押人拖欠還款時,則享有售賣財產的權力。  2. 包括質押貨品的任何合約或給予在貨品上的留置權或保證的任何合約,不論該合約是否以原來的貸款或任何進一步或持續的法律或任何金錢上的法律責任作為代價。《代理商條例》(第48章)第2(1)條。  3. 質押物。4. 一項莊嚴的保證或承諾,如效忠的諾言:《立法會條例》(第542章)第40條。另見also Bailment; Chattel; Delivery; Hypothetication; Lien; Pawn; Possession。n.




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