

单词 Chose in action
释义 據法權產
Literally, thing in action. A thing recoverable by action, as contrasted with a chose in possession which is a thing of which a person may have not only ownership but also actual physical possession. The meaning of ‘chose in action’ has varied from time to time, but is now used to describe all personal rights of property which can only be claimed or enforced by action, and not by taking physical possession: HKSAR v Goh Swee Yan Angelina [2000] 2 HKC 711 (CA); Halsbury’s Laws of England, Vol 6 [1]. Examples include debts (Kwai Hung Realty Co Ltd v Kung Mo Ng [1998] 1 HKC 145), money held at bank, shares, negotiable instruments, right under a trust, legacies, policies of insurance, bills of lading, copyright (Oriental Press Group Ltd v Apple Daily Ltd [1998] 4 HKC 131 (CFA)), the right to sue for the performance of contractual promise. A cause of action in tort: Keller v Ying Wah Tak Holdings Ltd & Anor [1997] 3 HKC 301, HKLY 204. See also Assignment; Chattel; Chose; Chose in possession; Equitable chose in action; Future chose in action; Intangible property; Legal chose in action; Personal property; Possession; Real property.
照字面解,據法權產。可藉訴訟予以追討,相對於佔有物,即某人不僅可擁有該物件的所有權,還有實際實物管有權。「據法權產」的意思不時改變,但現時用於描述財產的所有個人權利,可藉訴訟而非取得實物管有權而予以申索或強制執行:HKSAR v Goh Swee Yan Angelina [2000] 2 HKC 711(上訴法院);Halsbury’s Laws of England, 第6冊[1]。例子包括債項(Kwai Hung Realty Co Ltd v Kung Mo Ng [1998] 1 HKC 145)、銀行存有的款項、股票、可流轉票據、信託下的權利、遺贈、保險單、提單、版權(Oriental Press Group Ltd v Apple Daily Ltd [1998] 4 HKC 131(終審法院))、就合約上的承諾而起訴的權利。侵權法上的訴訟因由:Keller v Ying Wah Tak Holdings Ltd & Anor [1997] 3 HKC 301, HKLY 204。另見 Assignment; Chattel; Chose; Chose in possession; Equitable chose in action; Future chose in action; Intangible property; Legal chose in action; Personal property; Possession; Real property。




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