

单词 Alimony pendente lite
释义 訴訟待決期間的生活費
Lat - alimony pending the determination of the proceeding. A financial benefit paid by one spouse to the other which enables the second spouse to maintain himself or herself on a temporary basis pending the hearing of a divorce suit. The term is no longer used in Hong Kong, though it had been used in the past: Hui Shiu Wing v Cheung Yuk Lin [1968] HKLR 176. The modern equivalent is ‘maintenance pending suit’: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 3. See also Alimony; Child maintenance; Interim maintenance; Spousal maintenance.
拉丁語 - 案件審訊期間的生活費。在離婚案等候審訊期間,配偶一方給予另一方的財政援助,使另一方能暫時維持生活。雖然該詞在過往使用,但在香港則已不再使用:Hui Shiu Wing v Cheung Yuk Lin [1968] HKLR 176。現稱「訟案待決期間提供的贍養費」:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第3條。另見 Alimony; Child maintenance; Interim maintenance; Spousal maintenance。




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