

单词 Confidential information
释义 機密資料
1. Information, facts or knowledge that is not in the public domain. It must have the basic attribute of inaccessibility: A-G v Guardian Newspaper Ltd (No 2) [1988] 3 All ER 545. A person (the confidant) obtains or receives confidential information from the owner or creator (the confider) of an information in a special relationship such as that of an employer-employee, doctor-patient or solicitor-client, or in the circumstances imposing an obligation of confidence (express or implied). Possessors of confidential information are often subject to fiduciary duties which prevent them misusing the information for their own advantage: Seager v Copydex Ltd [1967] 2 All ER 415, 1 WLR 923 (CA); China Light & Power Co Ltd v Ford [1996] 2 HKC 23 (CA). An obligation of confidence can also be created by statute or contract, or arise in equity. 2. Information recorded by the Central Registry of Drug Abuse or a reporting agency in respect of any person and relates to the use of a dangerous drug by that person or the conviction of that person for a dangerous drugs offence or the care, treatment or rehabilitation of that person as a result of his use of a dangerous drug: Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134) s 49A. See also Confidential relationship; Fiduciary duty; Privilege; Trade secret.
1. 不為公眾所知的資料、事實、知識。基本因素是外人無法得知: A-G v Guardian Newspaper Ltd (No 2) [1988] 3 All ER 545.一個人(知悉機密資料的人)自資料擁有人或創造人(提供機密資料的人)取得或收到機密資料,而兩人有某種特殊關係,例如僱主與僱員、醫生與病人或律師與客戶,或當時環境確立保密責任(明訂或默示),知悉機密資料的人往往負有受信責任,不准為自身好處而濫用資料: Seager v Copydex Ltd [1967] 2 All ER 415, 1 WLR 923 (英國上訴法院); China Light & Power Co Ltd v Ford [1996] 2 HKC 23 (上訴法院). 保密責任也可以因法例或合約或平法產生。  2. 由藥物濫用資料中央檔案室或呈報機關所紀錄關於某人的資料、該人使用危險藥物或被裁定犯有使用危險藥物的罪行或該人由於使用危險藥物而接受護理、戒毒治療或康復護理的資料。另見 Confidential relationship; Fiduciary duty; Privilege; Trade secret。




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