

单词 Expressum facit cessare tacitum
释义 除明言之外
Lat – that which is express causes to cease that which is implied. A rule of interpretation of statutes and instruments precluding an implication being made on a topic with respect to which provision has expressly been made. Therefore, where parties have entered into written instruments with expressed stipulations, ‘it is manifestly not desirable to extend them by implications’ and ‘the presumption is that, having expressed some, they have expressed all conditions by which they intend to be bound by the instrument’: Mathew v Blackmore (1857) 156 ER 1409, 1 H & N 762; Chintower Co Ltd v Snowbright Co Ltd [1984] HKC 70. This maxim, closely related to expressio unius est exclusio alterius, must be applied with caution. It can only be applied if it is clear that the provision in question was intended to make exhaustive provision with respect to the topic concerned and if no inconsistency and injustice will result. See also Ejusdem generis; Expressio unius est exclusio alterius; Literal rule.
拉丁語 – 明述的事項會終止所隱含的事項。詮釋法規和文書的規則,即排除就有關已明示訂定的條文的項目作出推定。因此,如各方已明文訂定書面文書,則「明顯地不宜藉推定的方式加以伸延」,此外,「有關的推定是,在己明訂若干條件的情況下,各方己明訂所有他們擬受有關文書約束的條件」:Mathew v Blackmore (1857) 156 ER 1409, 1 H & N 762; Chintower Co Ltd v Snowbright Co Ltd [1984] HKC 70。此等規則與「明示一事即排除他事」有密切關係,須謹慎應用。僅在明顯地意圖藉有關條文就有關的事項作出並無遺漏的條文、及在不會導致不一致和不公平的情況出現的情況下,才可應用此等原則。另見 Ejusdem generis; Expressio unius est exclusio alterius; Literal rule。




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