

单词 Conviction
释义 定罪
1. A judicial determination of a case. It is a judgment which includes a finding of guilt or the acceptance of a plea of guilty followed by sentence. Until there is such a judicial determination a case is not concluded, the court is not functus officio and a plea of autrefois convict cannot be made: S (An Infant) v Recorder of Manchester [1969] 3 All ER 1230, [1971] AC 481 (HL). 2. Finding an accused person guilty of the offence charged. This is the use of the word in some contexts, for example where the jury convicts a person after trial on indictment. It involves two matters, namely finding of guilt or the acceptance of a plea of guilty, to be followed by a sentence: HKSAR v Ho Tung Man [1997] 3 HKC 375. See also Absolute discharge; Autrefois convict; Functus officio.
1.法庭對案件的裁決。裁定包括裁定有罪或接受被告認罪,然後量刑。在法庭裁決前,案件還未完結,法庭還未履行職務,不能提出前經定罪作為求情:S (An Infant) v Recorder of Manchester [1969] 3 All ER 1230, [1971] AC 481(上議院)。 2.被判犯被控罪行成罪。在某些情況下,這是指定的用語,例如經過公訴,審訊後陪審團裁定某人有罪。另見 Absolute discharge; Autrefois convict; Functus officio。n.




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